Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Asian Carp

We finally found the Asian Carp and it was wild. It was hard to get a good picture. There is another looper boat that one jumped on, and they hit the side of the boat a lot. They are nasty lookin.............................................

Sunday 8/22 we got to Joliet IL, and stayed on the free wall. We didn't realize till later that this might not have been a good stay. There were people that sleep out on a blanket all night. Hey but it was free......................

Leaving Chicago

We had to cross the electrical barrier to keep the Asian carp out of the Great Lakes.

I think this bird is looking for a Asian carp.

Leaving Chicago

We went through downtown Chicago when we left, early in the morning on Sunday and it was awesome. Walker took down the radar so we could go through downtown.


We took a boat tour at night and it was awesome.

Night time in Chicago............

The Bean

This was the neatest thing, its call the bean, and it looks like it is made of chrome. The reflections of the city in the back ground was neat. It was in Millennium Park and it was a very big park. We walked there to catch the tour bus every day. The bus took you from 4 different areas North South East and West.

Went to the Museum of Science Industry, and had to take the south tour bus. We had to go by Obama's home, favorite deli, where he get his hair cut.................................I didn't see any one taking pictures.


The tour bus took us to Oprah's homes and by the studio, and her store. They say she calls Chicago her home, but is not there very much.


We had the best pizza ever at Gino's East, had to wait 45 min to cook but it was worth it.


We got started early on Friday and rode the Chicago tour bus, went all over town. We went to the Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium, and had some of Garrett's famous popcorn.


We got to Chicago on Thursday 8/19 early to start being tourist. Went went to Navy Pier walked around pretty neat(lots of kids).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

South Haven Mi

This looks like fun, this guy at one time was several feet out of the water.

South Haven Mi

This is the reason we had to stay in South Haven so long. The wind was up to 30 knots and waves were 6 to 8 ft. There were a few boats that tried to go out, they didn't get to far.

South Haven Mi

This is the inlet to the marina we stayed at, and we were even rocking in the marina. The boats that were on the main water in the inlet, were moving in the middle of the night looking for calm water......

South Haven Mi

Yes, I finally caught a fish, big enough to keep. No I am not putting my fingers in its mouth. I did let it go, and it was at least 3 or 4lbs.