Monday, June 28, 2010

Kingston Marina

This is the fuel dock and this kid gets famous in the next reading below, so read on..........

Kingston Ontario Canada

Friday 6/25 we finally got to Canada. This bridge only opens on the hour except when it is rush hour the about every 3 hours. We only had to wait about 25 minutes. We are at the Kingston Marina by down town. On Saturday some of Walker's friends came over and took us out to eat and we all went the see Jerry Seinfeld. He was pretty funny and the place was packed. We got up Sunday, and we were going to leave so we went to get fuel and pump out.
But...................... the kid at the dock started pumping gas and not diesel into the tanks and had pumped about 85 liters before we realized it. They won't let you pump your own fuel. So need less to say we sat at the fuel dock till 3:00pm to get it all pumped out. It cost the owner here at least 1k to replace our diesel that it messed up, and gave us free dockage.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Boldt Castle on Heart Island

This is Boldt Castle and was being built by George C. Boldt. An eternal monument to the memory of a man's love for his wife. In 1904 construction was well underway on the 120 room castle when tragedy struck. A telegram announcing the death of George's wife arrived.. three hundred artisans and craftsman's were commanded to "stop all construction". A broken hearted Boldt never returned to the Island. Today, and ongoing major restoration is underway to stabilize and restore the castle.

St Lawrence River and Thousand Islands

This is going thru the St. Lawrence River and looking at the Thousand Islands. Some of the islands are very small. This house was built on one check out how small it was. It was very very pretty and the water is very clear.

Clayton NY

Great sun set in Clayton NY

Clayton Ny

We were told this is where thousand island dressing came from the Thousand Islands.

Clayton Ny

They had a band preforming in town so we went to see(Bob,Pam,Walker, and me). The fire boat was playing I think. They had a farmers market next to the park not much there.
Had a few drinks and listened to the band.

Clayton NY

We went to The Antique Boat Museum in Clayton NY it was pretty neat. All of the boats were donated. There was a guy building small sail boats there , that they use to teach kids how to sail.
Walker and I both think that we would like to learn how to sail. Not giving up the power boat.............

Wednesday 6/23 we are in Clayton NY. weather was great today.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sackets Harbor

The looper gang going to eat lunch.

This is the famous spot where I fell in the water.......

These pictures are at the top of a lock. The one under the bridge is Waterford Ny. Captain Walker's going to help Here & Now dock their boat.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sackets Harbor NY

Tuesday 6/22 we went across part of Lake Ontario to get to Sackets Harbor NY.
This a neat little town when we got here we all walked into town to eat. (seems like we are always eating) It has been raining all afternoon, so I have been fishing off and on. The water is so clear I can see the fish in the water, but not on my lure..........
Thats why I have had time to catch the blog up.

We are having fun ...... I will try to do better with the updates..
Monday 6/21 we are headed to Oswego NY and of course more locks. We are now out of the Erie Canal and into the Oswego Canal. No more locks for a while .....................yea
You have to wear glove because the rope in the locks are nasty.
When we went shopping on Saturday we got some cute gloves.
We got alot of comments from the lock masters.

Winter Harbor

Still at Winter Harbor, Sunday 6/19 Happy Dad's
day to Walker. I got him flowers there is a joke behind that...................... I got my toe's and nail's done today so glad.... oh and i got me a kayak also can't wait to use it...

Winter Harbor Marina

Here and Now boat and Sassy II

We got to Brewerton NY on Friday 6/18 and stayed at the Winter Harbor Marina.
The girls got up early Saturday and went shopping in Aurora about a hour away. We went to the Aurora Inn it was beautiful and had a great lunch out on the deck. The boys stayed and went to shopping at west marine and cleaned the boats.

Rome NY

We are headed to Rome yes in NY. It is windy today, not going to be fun in the locks .
We did lock 16 thru 20 today. It was a rough day, we hit the side of the lock coming out and got a pretty bad scratch. The marina that we were going to stay at had a bridge to low to go under and the water was also to shallow to go through, so we went to the free dock with Pam and Bob. The day gets even better.................. I fell in the water. I jumped off the swim platform to tie us up. The current was bad and I reached for the rope and the boat went out and so did I. I didn't even get my hair wet, or loose my flip flops. Thanks to two guys on the dock that fished me out.......
now this was not fun............... Pam and Bob was behind us watching and freaking out...............
No I was not scared and the water was not cold. Tomorrow will be a better day...............

St.Johnsville NY

Yes we are still in NY...........Wednesday 6/16 headed to St. Johnsville there is a chance of rain.
It started to rain so we stopped at a dock and we fixed breakfast and had bloody mary's. We took off after a few hours, and went through locks 9 to 15. I did get a t-shirt that has
RED NECK BOAT CLUB.....lime green i

New York

We stayed in Waterford NY for three nights, and left Tuesday 6/15. We had 7 locks to go through today. I think we know what to do now. All of the locks take you up, some have ropes and cables, and some have just ropes. We got to Wyatt's NY stayed at Arrowhead Marina.
The marina had a camp grounds for RVs also. It is very pretty here........
I went fishing and caught 2 bass and they were at least 2lbs. each I let them go. Then the girls took off on the kayaks, found a water fall and had to search for treasures. (Carolyn,Pam and Carolyn) No we didn't find any..................

Waterford NY

We left headed to Waterford NY. There is a good chance of rain today and it did. We stopped at Troy and went to the farmers market. Rich a looper helped us tie up, and we went together. It is raining like crazy, but we went anyway. Bought a lot of sweets :) they were good, and a few vegetables. It stopped raining long enough to get to Waterford. It is a free public dock, and it was full. We had to take the spot under the bridge and got a lot of bird poop. Had dinner at a small diner very old, and had great food.(cheap) and I almost forgot went through the first lock, and it was not pretty. We were told to wrap aroung the cable twice .....wrong. I had to cut the rope because it would not move on the cable..... not fun. We did learn Mr.Walker had to help me hold the boat.

Alany NY

We went to Albany NY on Thursday 6/11, we are alone. The other loopers went some were else. The Albany Yacht Club had a live band and BBQ chicken dinner. They were very friendly, and the JUDGE invited us to his table to eat. Walker and I changed he oil in the boat. There are ducks every where... a lot of babies.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Thursday 6/10 we went to Hyde Park NY and stayed at a very small marina(don't remember the name) it was a trip. We all took a cab and that was pretty interesting also, but anyway we took a tour of The Culinary Institute of America(CIA). Had dinner at the Escoffier Restaurant (French) and it was very good. The tour was very interesting, and cost is around 40K a year.....WOW
The cab ride back to the boat was much better......