Saturday, July 31, 2010

Georgian Bay

The following pictures were taken from our airplane ride over looking Georgian Bay.

Georigan Bay

Georgian Bay

Georgian Bay

Parry Sound

We took a airplane ride over Georgian Bay and it was a beautiful.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Parry Sound

Captain Walker and Captain Bob playing........

Friday, July 23, 2010


The Big Chute is lock 44 and it was the easy one. The large lift can carry 110 tons and vessels up to 100' in length. More importantly, with its complex system of straps and rams it can carry a combination of boats up and down on each trip. This is where you leave the Trent Severn and enter Georgian Bay.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big Chute

We spent the night at the dock by the chute. So we could watch, I think there was 3 boats in at one time.


Captain Walker taking care of his position in the lock.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Trent Severn Waterway

We are waiting for a lock to open. Part of the Trent Severn Waterway was very narrow at times, but pretty.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We got back Saturday 7/17 and it took all day. Captain Walker had to clean sassyII and get ready to take off on Monday 7/19.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


We got to Orillia on Friday 7/9 had to get ready to leave. We cleaned SassyII on Saturday and headed to Toronto to fly out. Spent Saturday night in a hotel and left Sunday. I went to TEXAS for the week and Walker had to go work.

Kirkfield Lift Lock # 36

This lock was a little tough. The current was bad at the end and caused the boat to move around to much. Had a great view........

Trent Canal

This was a very tough day for the captain. Wednesday 7/7. This is shallow and narrow. We had to make a security call prior to entering. There is no way for two boats to pass each other and you could only go 5 mph. We hit something, we think it was a deadhead(floating wood).

Fenelon Falls

We are in Fenelon Falls Wednesday 7/7 and stayed on the lock wall. Everyone in town told us about a great hamburger place so we had to check it out. OMG it was horrible and way over cooked. They need to have on of Walker's burgers.

Lock 30 Lovesick

We stayed at the top of this lock very pretty and quite. This house is on Stony Lake (I think).

This is a glass house and there is a woman in the kitchen... pretty neat. I don't want to do her windows. (what about the bedroom???)

The Peterborough Lift Lock

This was at the top what a view...........................

The Peterborough Lift Lock 21

This is the view you get at the top of the lock (looking back) . This lock was easy we just had to tie the ropes and go up.


The Peterborough Lift Lock

Walker and I left Tuesday 7/6 headed to the lock 30 Lovesick. This was the day from HELL had to many margaritas last night. I got sick the entire day and cant even keep water down and it was hot all day. Walker didn't fell sorry for me either. Had to do 10 locks and I can promise you this will never happen again...................
This lock was pretty cool each of the two pans weighs 1300 tons when filled. When it is time to lower one pan and raise the other, on extra foot of water (130 tons) is allowed to enter the upper pan. This extra weight allows the upper pan to push down and raise the lower pan to the top level.


We decided we needed to go swimming and have a margarita after such a long day. (should have only had 2). Bob enjoyed swimming with his pink thing........... and the ducks ate right out of my hand. We decided to watch the sun set and see if we could fit between the boats.